Your Super Simple Antidote to Burnout

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When you replace stressful adrenaline for feel-good endorphins through the Sabrosura, it softens your system so deeply, your days feel flowing and spacious, even when they're not.

How often do you feel like you’re juggling multiple plates, as you try to balance commitments and stay afloat?

My client, Dr. Yona Yaniv, is one of Israel’s top orthopedic hand surgeons. She’s in high demand for her work and carries huge responsibilities. Her job is skilled, intricate and highly pressured, so she needs to stay focused, aware, and constantly in control. Her days are busy and relentless.

Between complex surgeries, the patient’s emotional needs, and the demands of her role, Yona has little time to process emotions and to release the pressure. She is constantly in her mind.

Without an outlet, this kind of pressure is a sure recipe for burnout and tension in the body.

When I started working with Yona, there was so much stress held in her body.

One day she was super stressed, ready to explode with frustration. She did surgery on a guy’s hand, but he wanted to smoke with that hand - his strong hand. So he tore off the cast and started smoking. She had to operate on his hand again - but the second time, he did the same. His hand was a complete mess afterwards - damaged for life.

When people behave in ways that frustrate us, the pressure gets locked in our bodies.

As soon as Yona walked into my studio, she said she was super stressed. Her body was sooo tense.

After a few minutes moving with the Sabrosura, her body began softening. She started to feel more ease and flow in her shoulders and hips, as her tension started melting. As her chest expanded, her breath flowed more freely. She could breathe again. After about 15 minutes there was no trace of the challenging day. She was all smiles, feeling elevated and light.

When Yona processes emotions through her body this way, it feels so delicious, she calls it ‘fresh air’.

One of the things I've taught her is to let go of that control she needs to have as a surgeon and a human being, and to connect again with her feelings and femininity. It's not something we’re taught or she was capable of doing before. But learning to surrender through Somatic Intelligence, she is more balanced and has increased her capacity to stay emotionally available.

Allowing herself to feel, through softening in her body has been so profound, it’s now part of her system for sustaining peak performance.

Even her patients feel the difference in how she shows up.