Emotional Anchors for Times of Turbulence


The more emotional anchors we have, the more resilient we feel! If you're wondering how to tap into this resource inside your body, watch the video for insights... When all else is gone, there is always something that no one can take away from you - things that you have already achieved that you are proud of. When we tap into pride and get present to it, in the body, it creates an emotional anchor that we can hold on to in times of turbulence. The problem is that when we go through a tough time, we shoot these achievements down - we might say: "But it doesn’t mean anything. I mean, look at me now. I don’t have this anymore." No, you don’t, but you are the one who did it before and that cannot be taken away from you! It's yours for good.

A friend told me a week ago that a friend of hers who is extremely rich is going through a really hard time and is really depressed. When she asked her why the friend said: "You fell out of the 2nd floor. I fell from the 40th floor. I can’t do anything that makes me happy - I have all the money in the world and I can’t travel, buy anything, go to luxurious restaurants…" This is a great example of someone whose base for happiness is something external, while happiness comes from within - from being happy with who we have become. The rest is just the cherry on top.   

In some cultures, many people view pride as a negative thing. But it’s because pride is sometimes mixed with arrogance.  Pure pride is just a GOOD FEELING we have about something that we have achieved, whom we have become, or being proud of someone we love.  When everything falls apart in our lives - we have this to hold on to!  

Life goes up and down, the more emotional anchors you develop the more resilience you will have during the hard times.