What it means to live your truth


To have real influence power, you need to be brave and show up as your true self.

Not everybody teaches you it’s ok to just be you as you grow up. You rarely hear the words ‘you’re enough as you are’. We end up wearing so many masks, that living our truth can seem scary and maybe even feel impossible.

Today, I’ll share with you what you can focus on to live your full authentic truth.

✨Being honest with ourselves of the gap between how we view ourselves, and how we really are.

Coherence is being where you are, feeling exactly what you’re feeling. When there’s a gap and dissonance, you’re out of alignment and this causes discomfort. I’m working with a new client who is constantly portraying an outer image of success, but when you get to her, she’s really hurt inside. She's trying to be somewhere that she's not, and this has led her towards depression.

✨ Being our truest and most genuine version of ourselves - what you see is what you get.

No matter where you meet me, you will see I’m the same person. Whether I'm working with clients, doing lives in our exclusive Facebook group, standing on stage or hanging out at home, I’m no different. When we're in duality, we feel fragmentation. When we're in unity, however, we feel wholeness inside. You get to choose if to live in duality or unity. It’s up to you.

✨ Being clear and sincere about our intentions.

I come with a pure heart, wanting to make a difference. My work comes from a place of being of service. I'm not afraid to also say that I'm here to make money, because value and abundance are also measured by money. They are linked to our self-worth.

If I want to make money but my internal conversation is holding me back, I might pretend I'm just being of service. This inauthenticity creates dissonance and comes across as manipulative, because it doesn’t come from a place of unity and sincerity. Be clear with your intention from in to out.

✨ Living inside what is real, not inside the story we could fabricate that dilutes our strength.

Sometimes when I'm working with clients, they will tell the story of how they interpret something, rather than what really happened. There is a gap between the story, and the truth. When we start to see ourselves as the victim of circumstances, but really we’re making poor choices, the story we made up disempowers us.

Authenticity is being who we really are and living in resonance between our inner and outer world. This makes us feel at home in our skin and draws others to us.

Authenticity is such a big part of what makes the Power of Somatic Intelligence really successful that we hear from our clients that it’s one of the reasons they reached out to us to begin with. 🤗

It’s become part of our secret success recipe and I desire that for you too.