Posts tagged embodiment
3 practical tips for living an embodied life

You'll see that the body is communicating through feelings and sensations, which is really powerful. With practice, you can learn the emotional resilience that is essential to surviving today’s busy world. You’ll be able to interpret your body’s whispers to reach a whole new level of performance. Embodiment is a landing into yourself, a coming back into a deep alignment of your soul’s core, a commitment of who you were put on this planet to be.

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What makes Cuban women so confident

Cuban women are raised with embodied femininity because of their mothers. It is taught as a ritual from a young age, to look in the mirror every morning and repeat, "I am beautiful, I am special, I am unique, I am a woman." Imagine if every girl was told from a young age that she was beautiful, that she was special, that she was deserving - just because she was a girl. And not just told but made to feel it in an embodied feminine way.

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What it means to live your truth

Authenticity is being who we really are and living in resonance between our inner and outer world. This makes us feel at home in our skin and draws others to us. Authenticity is such a big part of what makes the Power of Somatic Intelligence really successful that we hear from our clients that it’s one of the reasons they reached out to us to begin with.

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Are you making this mistake when it comes to trust?

To trust someone enough that you can show up as the real you, you have to not only consciously build the trust, you have to take responsibility for picking the right person. Whether you're showing up in a shame storm, or so angry you could scream, you want to trust you’re fully met. The last thing you want to happen after you dare speak your truth, or show your messy, uncomfortable realness, is being judged.

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Conflict Doesn't Need to End in Tears

Have you ever snapped at your kids or partner… then spent all night regretting it? Or hit back verbally at someone in immediate defense, then wished you could turn back time? The sabrosura is extremely important for our happiness and our relationships… we can soften enough to defuse conflict and transform it into a whole other, richer place. Instead of meeting fire with fire, we can remain intentional and lead through softness that flows like water and calms it down...

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Reaching Peak Performance by Optimizing Your Somatics

Somatic blocks limit our peak performance, much-of-the-time without leaders and high-achievers even ever really knowing it. Resulting in at times feeling stress or frustration. Over the years I've discovered that when top performers come to me they have often minimized what they are facing deep inside because on the surface things can look great. Some of them are living their dream lives, while others have a specific area they need help with...

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