Posts tagged self love
When softness is as valued as drive

Releasing old inefficient defense mechanisms that were truly needed at the time we unconsciously created them to survive emotionally allows us to come back home to our body and the essence of who we really are in a profound way that impacts our lives. It’s this gentle softness and tapping into this raw and tender place that unlocks what is stuck, completely opening and letting go of what no longer serves you - without resistance.

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We think too much, not feeling enough

Give yourself grace when you mess up and forgiveness when you step into a place of blame, fear, anger, or shame. Sometimes our emotions show up in different ways in our body that don’t make sense to our mind. That’s the importance of practicing a process of releasing and reprogramming stuck energy, emotional blocks, and behavioural patterns trapped in our physical bodies.

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What makes Cuban women so confident

Cuban women are raised with embodied femininity because of their mothers. It is taught as a ritual from a young age, to look in the mirror every morning and repeat, "I am beautiful, I am special, I am unique, I am a woman." Imagine if every girl was told from a young age that she was beautiful, that she was special, that she was deserving - just because she was a girl. And not just told but made to feel it in an embodied feminine way.

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Welcoming all parts of yourself so you lead more powerfully

When all parts of you are not fully welcomed, it hurts your self-worth and impacts how you see yourself. Most importantly, it narrows what you believe is possible for you. When we can call in our whole selves and embrace all parts of our humanness - even the parts we deem too ugly to be loved, that is when we find peace, joy, and healing.

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Contemplation = Space = Renewal = Creativity

It’s a simple way to connect to your inner self and physically find enjoyment in the small things. When you slow down for a moment in the midst of all your activities and experience simple pleasures, in fact, practicing the mystery and awe of life. You’re practicing loving yourself. When you have that space for contemplation, you create space inside yourself. It’s a wonderful sense of renewal—and in that space is where creativity is born.

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Can you learn to love your mistakes?

When you’re gentle with yourself, your heart softens up. You reach so much deeper, and as a result, you actually find insights into those areas in your life that need healing. And in healing our hearts, we remain in alignment with our core, our soul, our true selves. We become fully present, rather than absent. If you don’t first have compassion for yourself, how can you show true compassion towards others?

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‘No’ that means ‘maybe’ and #MeToo

If you come to take something away from someone, of course they will feel robbed by you. But if you’ll come to give or share, then your intention will be very powerful. You should always aim to leave a person that you are interested in, in the same emotional place or better off.

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Why is Somatic Intelligence Important?

We need hope to be happy and to feel a certain magic. Life is meant to be lived with a little 'je ne sais quoi'... Nowadays there are many women in business that don't know how to soften up and show their vulnerable intimate side anymore. But we must not lose touch with this part because we were always the balancing force in the equation.

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