When softness is as valued as drive

There is a beautiful softness that radiates from change-makers who lead from a place of healed emotions; a quiet confidence, subtle accountability, firm dignity, and deep trust that society often misinterprets as weak, timid, and inefficient.


But it’s not.

I was thinking about the conversation I had with native healing practitioner Jessica Begin in our exclusive Facebook community. She provided such incredible insights that I wanted to share a powerful one with you.

We both notice in our work with clients that there is a disconnect from their feminine core that impacts relationships and the ability to love (including self-love). It also challenges how you show up in difficult situations and how you make challenging decisions. We all have these in our lives.

The solution is to get into alignment with yourself.

Jessica uses nature and plants to guide her journey of shedding all of the false beliefs and traumatic impacts, while my focus is on tapping into our Somatic Intelligence - our body’s innate wisdom - and living embodied.

Releasing old inefficient defense mechanisms that were truly needed at the time we unconsciously created them to survive emotionally allows us to come back home to our body and the essence of who we really are in a profound way that impacts our lives.

It’s this gentle softness and tapping into this raw and tender place that unlocks what is stuck, completely opening and letting go of what no longer serves you - without resistance.

Yet, that’s not always easy to do alone.

I think that a big part of the power of softness is that we don’t realize how powerful it is until afterward. It seduces you into releasing unhealed and trapped trauma in the body, and then suddenly, there's an opening for love, connection, and healthy boundaries.

As a society, we must understand that soft power is a valuable resource for anyone looking to make a phenomenal impact in the world. It taps us into the layers of vulnerability needed for creativity, deep connection, and true leadership.

Healing happens when we dare to open to deep surrender and listen to the body as it flows with the intelligence of life.

Healing happens when we are available to receive this wisdom within and let it guide us to our truth within.

What would become available to you if you surrender in such a beautiful and soft way?